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Vision & Mission

Our College of Education aspires to be a leading institution in the country offering quality teacher education to enlighten, emancipate and empower the student-teacher fraternity and to foster life long learning. Our college vision is " Providing holistic and quality teacher education with intellectual leadership for prosperity of education, society and nation at large".

To prepare ideal teachers and to fathom the ocean of knowledge and remove the clouds of ignorance to enlighten the consciousness and create awareness among the youth to introspect. Along with imparting excellence in academics, we aim to articulate the ancient Vedic wisdom in the modern contact by promoting ethical values, discipline and unity among the prospective teachers.

  • To develop an understanding of the principles of pedagogy and its application to curriculum transaction and evaluation.
  • To develop in students the skills and competencies necessary to play the multifaceted role of the teacher in the new millennium.
  • To provide opportunities to the faculty and the students to undertake action research projects contributing to new insights into the teaching learning process
  • To enable the students to live in harmony with oneself and with others in the profession, community and society at large.
  • To instill the spirit of fellowship among students, to prepare them to be global citizens through cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
  • We strive to provide Professionally competent, Socially sensitive, Morally mature, Spritually oriented - citizen for India.