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Science Labs
The Lab is equipped with various models different type of apparatus testing materials. Our physical chemistry Bio technology Laboratories have all the equipment in sufficient quantity so that each pupil teacher can perform his practical individually.

SS Lab :
This lab consists Atlas of India and Maps of India and world. In our SS Laboratory also different types of aids, text books, reference books, magazines, maps, globes, chart, and models are found. So our SS lab may be deferent as a from or group of rooms in which all written, audio and visual materials pertinent to the social studies instructors are contained.

Language Lab :
Language laboratories along with social studies lab are highlighted for the institution as they are equipped with material presented by the NCTE.

Psychology Lab :
The Psychology Laboratory is provided with apparatus for simple experiments related to educational psychology, personality skills, aptitude tests and interest inventories etc.

Fine Arts Lab :
With all the working infrastructure for

  • Clay modeling
  • Drawing & Pointing
  • Teaching of Arts
  • Preparing 3-D Model for teaching purpose